Our Doctors

Dr. Neil Richard Fell

MBChB, BMedSci, MRCGP Consultant Family Medicine

Dr. Fell has over 10 years’ experience across the UK and UAE. He carried out his general medical residency in the UK where he focused on elderly medicine, respiratory conditions, and endocrinology.

Dr. Neil Richard Fell

Afterwards, he was a specialist in family medicine at various clinics in Dubai for more than 5 years. Dr. Fell has delivered numerous presentations to peers and health authorities in the UK on topics including anesthesia, diabetes, smoking bans and multiple new technology appraisals. He is licensed to practice in the UAE and UK and was recently revalidated by the UK General Medical Council.


Diabetes, general pediatrics, hematology, neurology, respiratory, cardiology, gastroenterology, ENT, psychiatry and acute pain management

Awards & Accreditations

A published author, with credits including These Dramatic Findings Warrant a More Objective View of the Study’s Limitations, an article on smoking bans, and Presumed Consent is Problematic, an article on organ shortages and donations. Member, Royal College of General Practitioners, UK